There are more WLW films from pre-21st century than most people think. What is still rare however are films from the pre-21st century that are hopeful towards their WLW characters. The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love is one such rare film.

The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love is a teen romance occurring in small town America in the 90’s. Randy Dean is a teenage lesbian. She lives with her lesbian aunt, her aunt’s partner and her aunt’s flaky ex-girlfriend who is crashing on their couch. Her best friend is also a gay dude named Frank. At the start of the movie, Randy engages in an affair with a married woman. Basically, despite general 90’s type homphobia, Randy is living her best gay life. Enter Evie. Evie is a rich, popular girl with an on-again, off-again boyfriend. Evie and Randy begin an awkward flirtation involving notes and sharing poetry. Eventually, this awkward flirtation becomes a sweet, high school relationship. But in addition to the general awkwardness of teen love, Evie and Randy also face the pressures of being a same-sex couple in a small town in the 90’s.
There are movies that are made in the 90s and then there are 90s movie. The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love is the latter. The film is chock full of heavily 90s fashion a riot grrl soundtrack, teen slang and an overall adherence to the 90s indie movie aesthetic. True Adventure is a film that works as a time capsule of this decade.

While there is a very 90s specific aesthetic to the movie, there is something timeless in its love story. True Adventure is about the joy and awkwardness of teen relationships. The are staples of such a romance that have been trues for generations. The anxiety over sending a note that might come on too strong, the importance put on small gestures like hand holding, the belief that this relationship alone is true love. The basis of this love story could have taken place in the 1930’s or the 2010’s. The clothing may be different and some of the external pressures but the relationship itself is timeless.
While True Adventure is overall sweet and funny, I do think directing felt rushed. Had it not been, the movie could have been twice as sweet and twice as funny. It feels like True Adventure never pauses to let anything sink in. Immediately after a notable piece of comedy or romance, the movie already rushes to its next line of dialogue or next scene. If the movie took some time to take a breath after some of its funny or romantic dialogue, these moments which look great on paper could translate properly onscreen.

Overall, The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love is a cute, hopeful movie with a great third act. I have some qualms about the direction and performances but these issues don’t fully spoil the movie from being what it is; an enjoyable queer teen romance from a time that really needed positive and hopeful portrayals of queer teens and relationships. While the aesthetic dates it, the story and especially the romance of The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love hold up as something timeless.
Overall rating: 7.4/10
Other WLW films in similar categories
American indie movies from the 90’s
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