Month: <span>December 2021</span>

Lots of Ride or Die felt like a missed opportunity of the most irritating sort; one that gets very close to being good but doesn’t quite get there. 5.5/10


Because it’s the only on in the category, A New York Christmas Wedding is the best pro-Christian, pro-lesbian film I’ve ever seen. It’s also bad and most importantly, baffling and insane. 3.6/10


I thought Vivere was successful. It made me feel one, maybe even two entire emotions. 7/10


The Twilight Girls is a film made off of the backs of Madchen in Uniform or Olivia but with much more focus on the scandalous elements. 5.1/10


The summary of Knocking I read promised to, “keep you guessing until the very end.” And for me at least, it did. 7/10


What’s Up Scarlet? may be uneven but it does feature a core couple who are likeable and incredibly easy to root for. 5.6/10


Comets was primarily average and then just confusing which made for a somewhat frustrating viewing experience. 4.8/10


If you like blashphemy, you’ll love Paul Verhoeven’s new film, Benedetta. 8.5/10

