Month: <span>January 2022</span>


Aniara is the best WLW sci-fi film I’ve seen by a significant margin. This is an intelligent, thought-provoking film. 8.9/10


There are a lot of positive aspects to The Archer. There’s a lot of negative aspects, too. Overall, The Archer bit off way, way, way more than it could chew. 5.2/10



I Care a Lot is a nasty little movie with a deeply unsympathetic lead that I could not tear my eyes away from. 8/10


Salamander is the earliest WLW film to feature an interracial relationship. That alone makes noteworthy. But beyond being noteworthy, is Salamander any good? Absolutely not. 2.4/10


Through the Glass Darkly works as a familiar yet queer take on the mystery genre complete with an absolute boatload of tragedy just for fun. 7.7/10


Welcome to the USA’s main theme is that it’s not fun to be gay in Kazakhstan and it definitely got that message across. 5.5/10


Representation alone is not enough to make a good movie. I Hate New Year’s is cliche and feels perfectly willing to stew in its own mediocrity. 4/10
