WLW Film Reviews Posts

My Animal is one of those slow burn films that burns so slow it never quite ignites. As much as I loved the set-up the film offered, My Animal let me down in the pay-off. 5.9/10


Dead Woman’s Hollow plays closer to a crap episode of Criminal Minds than it does a horror movie. Right down to the vaguely based on true events concept. 3/10


At the end of the day, Winepires was mostly dull, a little confusing and had some of the worst blunt force trauma sound effects I’ve seen in a movie. 3.3/10


While Cuckoo is an imperfect movie, I respect it for taking risks, having original ideas and getting a few good, scary moments. 7/10



Chuck Chuck Baby was an unusual delight of a movie. A queer musical set in a chicken factory. The final product is so assured, so well-done and so delightful. 7.2/10


Love Sick falls pretty neatly into this kind of European indie movie about the young generation; freedom and debauchery of city living and some grit in the story as well as the visuals. Love Sick chose for its grit to be incest, which is a bold choice. 5.5/10



The brief period of time where at least in fiction, you could hide away from the troubles of the world in the arms of a pretty girl might be coming to an end. In its place is Foreign Language, where even in the arms of a pretty girl, the rise of far-right extremism and environmental collapse loom ever-present. 7.7/10


Baja Come Down just doesn’t give you enough reason to care about any of this. It fails to elevate this realistic story into something that feels like art that would move its audience. 2.8/10
