All About E is about E, a lesbian DJ living in Australia. E’s life is turned upside down after she acquires a bunch of money owned by the mob or a gang or something. Being irrational about the situation, E refuses to return the money. So this means that her and her gay best friend Matt have to go on a wacky road trip to avoid being murdered. Along this roadtrip, they end up at E’s parents’ house, whom she is not out to yet and later, her ex Trish’s house. E is clearly not over Trish or vice-versa.
This is one of many WLW drama movies that’s average to poor and generally pointless but have a really good lesbian sex scene. Trish and E’s reunion sex scene is well-shot, well-blocked and has logical positions for two women to be in. It’s the best scene in the movie.

So cool, that scene is good but as for the rest of the movie? Disposable. Bland. I have so little to say about All About E. It’s just dull overall. This is a shame. This premise could have been fun. The set up leaves itself open for lots of opportunities for wackiness that it doesn’t end up focusing on. While the sex scene might be solid, everything leading up it and immediately following it is just a big whatever.
There are also vague attempts for the movie to engage in discussion about E’s Arabic identity conflicting with her lesbian one. But nothing lands. The comedy moments aren’t funny enough and the attempts at drama feel half-assed. This plot is also abandoned almost as soon as it arrives and doesn’t factor into the third act of the film.
And that’s all there is to say about All About E, really. It’s just a time waster of a movie. It isn’t even the kind of bad to get passionately angry about. All About E is the kind of bad where it simply comes and goes without leaving the slightest impression in your memory. It’s just terribly bland.
Overall rating: 4.8/10
Other WLW films in similar genres
Lesbians and their gay best friend
Australian movies
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