Tag: <span>genre: crime</span>

Wild Things: Diamonds in the Rough created an idealized, misogynistic world where the only women in it are hot. And then made the choice to hate all the women it just made up. 2/10


This feels like a muddled artistic vision that culminates in something that’s mostly dull and occasionally inexcusably offensive. 4.6/10


Love Lies Bleeding is an engaging, nasty and occasionally muddled crime picture. It’s a great addition to WLW movie canon because of how much it does that’s unique. 7.5/10


Compared to the other works of one or more Coen brother, this film would rank near the bottom. Luckily, a lesser Coen film is still a decent time. 6.2/10


Thick is not a perfect movie. But there’s a lot to celebrate about this low budget crime drama. Namely, the fact that it’s 71 minutes long. 5.7/10


The Great Swindle gets high marks for style. But as a film about cons and deceptions, it needs much more substance in addition to its style. 5.3/10


While I absolutely applaud this film on the bigger picture of its genre and existence, it doesn’t hold up as well when you take a closer look. 5.7/10


Whatever edge Concrete Blondes has to it is completely absent in the jokes. And that’s why the film doesn’t work. This is a comedy full of punchlines far too safe and far too predictable. 4.7/10


Without budget, it is an uphill battle to make a good movie. Did Devil’s Cove brave that incline and struggle through its limited means to make a good piece of art? Nope! This movie is very bad! 1.8/10


Having the bisexual, butch Sister Thirteen as protagonist is extremely progressive and ultimately, a big win in the field of representation. But because this film was made in 1998, this representation is not without its problematic aspects. 5.6/10
