Am I Ok?

Am I Ok? has a funny and relatable script with good insights into coming out later and the general anxiety of being alive. The script alone makes this one of Dakota Johnson’s better films/performances. That being said, the choice to cast Dakota Johnson as the lead makes what should be a staggeringly relatable character inherently less so. Johnson’s general vibe of deadpan icy privilege might not have been the best choice for this floundering, relatable lead.

Lucy is an all-around anxious, indecisive woman. Her best friend and main link to the wider world is Jane. This holding pattern of Jane being Lucy’s most intense relationship comes crashing down when Jane is offered a job in London. At the end of a drunken night sharing secrets, Lucy reveals that while she’s never kissed a woman, she’s very interested in doing so, perhaps more so than she is interested in kissing men. Jane declares she won’t depart for London until she helps Lucy get some lesbian experience under her belt. Luckily, there’s a pretty, flirty woman at Lucy’s work named Brittany. Unluckily, the overall drama of Lucy and Jane’s respective lives throws their friendship into doubt.

Am I OK? has a really well-calibrated screenplay from writer Lauren Pomerantz. The screenplay seems personal and certainly speaks to lived experiences of queer women and generally awkward people. It also provides these insights while being really funny. The dialogue in the film is a real stand-out. Whether it’s a hilariously realistic drunken conversation between Jane and Lucy, or the expertly crafted ambiguity of Brittany’s affectionate nature. Is she queer? Or just a touchy straight woman? Hilarity and awkwardness ensue thanks to Pomerantz’s deft touch. Excellently used side characters also add humour while never taking focus away from the genuine depth that anchors Jane and Lucy’s intense friendship.

Yet something about the timing of these very funny lines feels off. That’s true too about some of the emotional moments too. And I hate to say it, but I think this might be a Dakota Johnson problem. Johnson can be very funny, often as a person as opposed to when she plays a character. She has a deadpan delivery which can work. It doesn’t here. Johnson’s deadpan style doesn’t vibe with a character we’re repeatedly told is awkward and also, seemingly unaware of her own physical appeal. Neither of those traits ring true when embodied by Dakota Johnson. I’m not even saying she should be gone from the movie entirely. Just shuffle the cast a little bit. Swap in Kiersey Clemons as the lead. That way, Johnson could play Brittany, the confident, beautiful and very possibly straight woman who sends the lead into an extended feeling of gay panic.

While Johnson wouldn’t have been my first or even fiftieth choice to lead this movie, she doesn’t tank my enjoyment either. Am I Ok? has too strong a story to allow for that. Plus, as executive producer, Johnson did clearly have some actual enthusiasm for the project and I do think that comes across. As much as I spent part of the film imagining a better version, I’m also still pretty happy with the one we got. This is a funny, heartfelt film about friendship and the process of coming out a little later than most people. It’s more than worth a watch.

Overall rating: 6.9/10

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