It would be too easy to start this review by saying that Bad Things is itself a bad thing. It would be so easy, I basically did it anyway while claiming I wouldn’t. The thing is, I don’t even think such a pithy comment would be accurate. While I don’t think Bad Things is a good movie, I also don’t think it’s because there was an overt presence of bad ideas. Most of the ideas were intriguing. The film just never quite came together the way it needed to.
Following the death of her mother, Ruthie visits an isolated hotel property that she has inherited. Ruthie’s determining whether or not to sell it and how that relates to her own complicated relationship to her mother and mother’s death. Ruthie brings along three queer acquaintances who make up a proper queer love quadrangle. Currently, Ruthie plans to propose to girlfriend, Cal. But Ruthie has a past with Fran. Cal, meanwhile is the ex of Maddie. As the four settle in to a few days at the hotel, these personal conflicts become increasingly exaggerated. And the mental states of all, but especially Ruthie begin to strain. Plus, maybe there’s some ghosts at the hotel. Or maybe it’s just the ghosts of an unquiet mind.

Look, The Shining doesn’t own the concept of isolated hotel horror. But let’s also not pretend like any isolated hotel horror isn’t going to be compared to The Shining. I mean, Bad Things also has a whole hotel is haunted with ex-guests but maybe it’s just a mental breakdown thing. The comparisons come too easy and too frequently. It’s hard to judge Bad Things on its own terms. This film is obviously lacking compared to any version of The Shining. The scares aren’t as scary and the character work isn’t as strong. The rest of this review is going to be looking at the film on its own merits, but I also had to purge this comparison from my brain. Bad Things may be the sapphic equivalent of The Shining, but that equivalency is based on plot similarities, not equal quality.
As ever, my criteria of a horror movie starts with the big question of is the movie scary? I did not find Bad Things to be so. There’s a few moments in the third act which approach that. There’s some chainsaw violence and another pretty bloody moment which aren’t nothing. However, this film is slow and subtle for too long. Tension and atmosphere don’t exactly announce themselves in these first two acts. And when it comes to the ghost horror, some of it is borderline goofy. There’s this ghost girl knocking about who just says weird, potentially unsettling things. And either the set-up, the timing or the style was off here. Because that wasn’t anything other than funny to me.

I appreciate Bad Things‘ attempt at character work and relationship dynamics. Especially with its focus on these themes without a strong presence of men. Ruthie makes for a very flawed, well-rounded protagonist. She has more flaws than virtues, frankly. But this is far from a bad thing. It works for the film. However, all of this character work feels a little separate from the horror elements. It’s not like the specifics of Ruthie’s flaws manifest as ghost. She’s more having a breakdown AND there’s ghosts. I get the feeling that with a different protagonist or if Ruthie had different problems, the horror beats would remain the same. I really wanted more of these these genuinely well-thought out character beats being reflected and exaggerated in the horror. Instead, it’s just generic spooky ghosts and some chainsaw violence.
It’s so easy for me to imagine the very close-by alternate universe where Bad Things was a movie I loved. This movie feels so close to something really special. But it does not get there. The distinct elements, ideas and inspirations don’t come together at the end to make something cohesive. Or at least, something scary. That being said, director Stewart Thorndike’s first film, Lyle is one I’ve specifically not seen because I think it might upset me too much. So she’s got that going for her. As for her sophomore feature, it needs work. I can see a lot of potential in Thorndike. But it’s potential that wasn’t reached in Bad Things.
Overall rating: 4.6/10
Isolation horror
No screen time for cis men
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