I don’t know you if you guessed this from the title but Cheeky is primarily about butts. I heavily questioned whether I should even review Cheeky on the site. For starters, this is a largely heterosexual film. There are a handful of lesbian scenes but they are well outnumbered by straight scenes. Also, Cheeky is definitely just softcore porn without any higher aspirations. But I decided one way to determine what is and isn’t full-on porn is if it had premiered theatrically which Cheeky did. So, I guess I’m gonna talk about it.
The lead character in Cheeky is Carla, a beautiful woman who enjoys not wearing underwear. Early in the film, Carla meets Moira, a real estate agent. Moira immediately feels Carla up which Carla enjoys, despite having a boyfriend. Moira rents Carla a loft under the agreement they have sex sometimes. For a while, Carla lives care and underwear free. Then, her jealous boyfriend Matteo arrives. Matteo is the one character in the film who is interested in monogamy. He gets jealous not over any of Carla’s current romps but over the discovery of love letters from an ex-lover of Carla’s. Matteo demands that Carla write a letter of all of her sexual transgression. Carla is willing to do this but by the time she delivers this letter to Matteo, he’s decided he doesn’t care. The film ends with Carla and Matteo together and Carla flashing her vagina at a policeman.

Frankly, it’s somewhat pointless trying to critique Cheeky as a film. It has no aspirations of being a film. By the director’s own admission, Cheeky was just supposed to be a fun, romp of a movie that had a lot of butts in it. So, success on that front, I guess. Cheeky is listed as a sex comedy but that’s somewhat inaccurate of a description. There aren’t any jokes per se, it’s just a very lighthearted world that features a lot of sex. It’s cheery more than it is actually funny. Still, at least it doesn’t take itself seriously. It would be a much harder sit if Cheeky demanded I take it seriously.
Cheeky is, from start to finish, some straight male fantasy nonsense. The women in this film don’t even approach acting like real women. They are always fantasy objects who act sexual and proactive even in scenes when they are alone. The prime example of this is a scene where Matteo is breaking up with Carla over the phone. Carla is nude but wearing high heels throughout, as women do. After the phone call finishes, Carla starts crying and the camera just zooms in on her butt. This would be more offensive if the movie wasn’t so juvenile.

What does seem somewhat strange about Cheeky is there’s never actually any anal sex. I’m not saying I would have enjoyed seeing that but in a movie that’s whole focus is butts, it would be fairly logical for there to be butt sex. There is a scene with a rim job though which is the first time I’ve seen that in a movie. That whole scene is sort of a mess, though. It takes place on a beach and much as there’s romantic music, having sex on a beach has never looked less appealing. Both characters are nude and end up absolutely covered in sand. Sand isn’t something you want around your genitals!
The only group of people I would recommend Cheeky to is teenage boys. Compared to a lot of internet porn and whatnot, Cheeky is harmless. The females characters enjoy themselves when they do have sex but more than sex, the movie is just about appreciating the female form. It’s comparatively harmless objectification. That’s as far as I’m willing to recommend Cheeky, though. It’s obviously not a good movie because it cares neither for plot or characters. It’s also majority heterosexual so that’s another negative. What else can I say about this movie? It’s 90 minutes of simulated sex scenes and butts. It’s not good.
Overall rating: 3.3/10
Other WLW films in similar genres
Male fantasy nonsense
Bisexual films that are mostly heterosexual
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