Tag: <span>2000s</span>

Wild Things: Diamonds in the Rough created an idealized, misogynistic world where the only women in it are hot. And then made the choice to hate all the women it just made up. 2/10


Topless is a gentle, character-driven slice of life film. I’m pretty sure there’s not even any nudity in it. 6.4/10


Life Blood is a movie that feels defensively half-assed. I get a real vibe of, “your criticisms can’t hurt me because I wasn’t even trying anyway” from most of the film. Which is a shame, because I don’t hate all of the ideas in Life Blood. But geez, the execution was shit. 3.7/10


But the technical issues of Rome & Juliet do affect what is already a pretty weak script. 3.8/10


Out of the Blue is one of those movies that doesn’t have anything really wrong with it. But there’s also nothing I can point out as being particularly good. It just sort of is. 5.1/10


This is a Lifetime TV movie. And the wish fulfillment aspect is uneven. Trying to fit cathartic, queer wish fulfillment into a Lifetime TV movie-shaped box further exacerbates some of the issues with both aspects. 5.5/10


This is a low budget film but it’s really high on creativity, realism and focused commentary. Very few films with such limited means achieve those three things. 5.6/10


I applaud Big Dreams in Little Hope. With the budget and technology available to them, they still turned out a pretty solid comedy. 5.6/10


There are moments of real greatness here. But the overall plot of Butch Jamie is a bit too standard. And regrettably, its budget is small enough that it does affect my enjoyment. 5.2/10


BBC TV movies are of a solid, uniform quality. Daphne is no exception. This is a good movie. But that’s as far as I’m willing to go. 6.4/10
