Despite every single one being what the internet would call, “problematic,” no sub-genre of WLW films will ever bring me more joy than 70’s vampire movies. Daughters of Darkness is a particular standout in a genre. I really like this one.
Daughters of Darkness is about an unhappy heterosexual couple, Stefan and Valerie who check into a creepy hotel. Soon after they arrive, the ageless, glamorous countess Elizabeth Bathory and her gay lover/secretary Ilona show up. Stefan is into far more sadistic sexual practices than Valerie which causes Valerie unhappiness. The Countess takes advantage of this and begins to lure Valerie away. She achieves this basically by constantly crashing their dinners and speaking in seductive metaphors. Classically, Valerie becomes torn between disappointing heterosexuality and vampire lesbianism. Also, a lot of people die.

I want to commend Daughters of Darkness for actually being scary. I don’t find most vampire films to be such, especially these sexy 70’s ones. However, Daughters of Darkness is actually an effective horror movie. The violence is well done and disturbing. There is tension and an air of discomfort. It works on these levels a lot better than others in the genre. Even the blood looked more realistic. It actually looked like blood instead of red paint like blood often does in 70’s exploitation.
The aesthetic in this film is great. I love these exploitation films that show real talent and artistry in the creative departments. The cinematography, set design and costume design in Daughters of Darkness are spectacular. This film has a real atmosphere. The styling of Ilona and The Countess are beautiful and intriguing. It all makes Daughters of Darkness an enjoyable film to look at. The visuals are what stayed with me the most about this film. I only remember the plot in broad strokes. But the atmosphere, the styling and the visuals of Daughters of Darkness have really stayed with me.

Admittedly, There could’ve been slightly more lesbianism. Most of it was off screen/implied. All we really got onscreen was a handjob. I do prefer in my exploitation films which are by their nature excessive to have more than such a minimal amount of WLW content. Especially because The Countess is a predatory older lesbian dream girl. I definitely would’ve enjoyed seeing more screen time devoted to her kissing some ladies in addition to cockblocking heterosexual endeavors.
I always have to give a corollary before I recommend exploitation films like this. There is a level of sexism, homophobia and general sleaze that accompanies films like this. Your enjoyment of Daughters of Darkness is hinged around whether you can get around that. Personally, I can. I find its antiquated views that lesbians are dangerous murderers who want to steal straight women funny and a little bit complimentary. If you don’t share this view, give Daughters of Darkness a miss. But if such things don’t trouble you, Daughters of Darkness is a stylish, bloody and just an all around good time.
Overall rating: 8.5/10
Other WLW films in similar genres
1970’s exploitation films about vampires
Predatory older lesbians but sexy
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