Kyss Mig

Kyss Mig is about Mia. Mia is about to marry her boyfriend, Tim before a heated piece of eye-contact with her new future-step-sister, Frida. From there, a relationship develops which is dragged out for the run time of a movie by Mia having conflicts about her sexuality and about her sudden attraction to a new person versus her commitment to her fiancé.

Kyss Mig is a really solid film. The script and directing is good, the characters have depth and the acting is fine. Kyss Mig is a fully competent piece of work that achieves what it set out to do.

My one wish it that it had a little more personality. Competent as the film was, I did find it a bit forgettable. Few specific moment stuck in my mind. I would’ve liked just a little more show of personal style or something from the director to take this movie from good to great.

If my one complaint is that there wasn’t enough personality though, that means it’s still a pretty good movie. Kyss Mig is a solid, romantic love story with a happy ending. It’s an an enjoyable watch and a good choice of a movie to pick if you’re a lady on a date with another lady.

Overall rating: 7.2/10

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