Drugs, man. Am I right?
I’m not entirely sure what Liquid Sky is about. I was stoned when I watched it. In my defense, I was significantly less intoxicated than any given person involved of the making of this movie.
From what other online summaries tell me, Liquid Sky mostly follows Margaret, a bisexual model who really likes cocaine. Margaret is played by Anne Carlisle who also plays Margaret’s nemesis, a male model named Jimmy who also loves cocaine. The movie mainly surrounds the fact that a UFO has landed on the roof of Margaret’s apartment and the aliens inside it eat orgasmic energy which unfortunately comes with the side-effect of anyone they feed from dying. As such, Margaret’s sexual partners keep dying which she uses to her advantage while being safe herself as she does not orgasm while having sex with any of them.

So, yeah. In summary, drugs, man.
As cool as this movie is to look at with its aesthetic that highly influenced the electroclash movement, Liquid Sky is not a very entertaining watch. As wacky as the premise is, I often found myself bored. The characters don’t help. As bold as their outfits may be, they’ve little to no actual personality. There’s an old adage to write high and edit sober. Liquid Sky shows that such advice should be extended to acting and directing sober as well.
If nothing else, Liquid Sky is certainly a unique movie and an interesting and colorful experience. It has some interesting, ahead of its time ideas on the fluidity of gender and sexuality while existing in a neon, new wave environment that’s so aggressively 1980’s it feels like a parody if the time period. The visuals are top-notch. Everything else though, not so much
Overall rating: 6.2/10
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