Love is not Perfect has little going for it. It’s forgettable, boring and not even that queer.

Love is not Perfect focuses on Elena. According the summaries of this film, she is a woman obsessed with perfection. I’ll take their word for it because that didn’t really come through in the film. The film follows various potential romantic partner’s in Elena’s life in both the present day and 7 years previous. The flashbacks focus on her failing relationship with an attractive but unfaithful photographer, Marco. In the present, after a minor collision, Elena meets two new people. The first is 50 year old Hector who Elena strikes up a tentative relationship with. The second is the young Adriana who kisses Elena and calls for phone sex once though it would be saying too much to call this a romance.
And that’s the whole plot of the movie. We see one of Elena’s relationships fail and one other one come to fruition. And then just as a little bonus, sometimes Elena kisses a younger woman though constantly reiterates her straightness. On Elena’s part, these few kisses and instance of phone sex really do feel like experimentation. Nothing here is serious enough to consider Adriana as part of a love triangle nor Elena to be questioning her sexuality. Nah, she just kisses a girl a few times and decides she’d rather be with an older man. I can’t relate but whatever.

Other than the film being not as queer as I would have liked, I have very little to say about Love is Not Perfect. It’s just a boring movie. I didn’t care about the story nor the characters. The whole film feels like set up but set up to what? There is the third act revelation that both Elena and Hector have kids they’ve neglected. That’s the big emotional breakthrough, I guess. But this too is rushed and incredibly shallow. The film not once considers how Elena’s neglected child might feel by the sudden reappearance of her mother who suddenly wants a relationship with her. All we get from this is that Elena has now overcome an emotional hurdle so she can have a relationship with Hector. Cool. I didn’t care about whether these characters ended up together even a little so I absolutely do not care.
Love Is Not Perfect doesn’t have enough plot points to fill a feature length movie. They try and hide this by making the film non-linear but they’re unsuccessful. This is a dull romantic drama about characters and relationships I do not care about. The queerness is also minimal. Overall, Love is Not Perfect has nothing to offer.
Overall rating: 4/10
Other WLW films in similar genres
Love triangles with a heterosexual endgame
Italian films
I totally agree . To me it didn’t make any sense whatsoever