INCEST! And also the dangers of classism! But really, when a major part of your movie is incest, it’s definitely an uphill battle to make the viewer care about any other themes your movie has.
Based on a true story, Sister My Sister is about sisters Christine and Lea. Both end up working for Julie Walters. While the arrangement starts out fine with them doing everything to Julie Walters’ satisfaction and her laying praise on them, things begin to turn sour. Christine and Lea become increasingly codependent (and also incestuous) and cold to the rest of the world. The long hours and lack of freedom begin to take their toll. This basically enters the characters into an infinite cycle of the sisters feeling put-upon and unappreciated, so they do poor work leading to them getting reprimanded for doing poor work which leads to them feeling put-upon and under appreciated. At the end, the sisters have lost a certain degree of sanity because they decide to kill their employer. This doesn’t go well for them.

Sister My Sister is a wholly competent movie, it is just not a very enjoyable sit. It is an uncomfortable watch not just because of the incest but because of the increasingly tense dynamic between maids and mistress. The acting in this film is impeccable as it needs to be to carry the story.
However, as I previously mentioned, the film did fall down a bit in its attempt to make social commentary because once incest happens, that will become the focal point of your movie. It’s not exactly like there was an attempt to minimize this aspect either. The film is called Sister My Sister and it not only explicitly shows multiple scenes of lesbian incest in the movie itself but uses those scenes for the damn DVD cover! As such, it’s pretty clear where the film’s interests lay. That’s fine except when it occasionally decided to do something else, the effort fell pretty flat.
On the whole, Everyone involved in the film is wholly competent and the finished product is too. It’s not exactly a “fun” movie but it’s not trying to be. It’s disturbing and sad, mostly. So, if you want a WLW movie that makes you feel disturbed and sad, Sister My Sister is a pretty safe bet.
Overall rating: 7.3/10
Nah, this film makes me bored and at the same time, so scary. And also I really don’t understand what’s the point of this film. My overall rating for this film is 1/10.