This is a great little time capsule of 90s lesbian culture both in its small scale production and its larger scale optimism about lesbians breaking through into the mainstream and being largely normalized. 6.0/10
Tag: <span>1990s</span>
I thought Guardami was going to be tragedy porn meets actual porn. As it turns out, the film didn’t even deliver on the tragedy. 2.0/10
I, The Worst of All is so subtle I’m not even sure how sapphic it is. It’s more of a feminist film about how women are capable of thought and poetry. Though the poetry in question does have some distinct undertones of sapphic yearning. 7/10
Reform School Girl has some interesting ideas, but none of them really pan out because the film lacks focus. 3.6/10
Fresh Kill doesn’t quite manage to marry its political and philosophical observations with its fictive narrative. 5.8/10
Despite some issues with budget and pacing, I had a great time with Ruby Fruit if just for the novelty of its story. 6/10
I’m still not sure if Chinese Chocolate has enough WLW to qualify for this site. The film is entirely a prelude to a lesbian relationship. 5.1/10
There’s nothing particularly wrong with the film. I’m just of an age and in an era where depicting lesbians as normal people doesn’t really interest me. I know lesbians are normal people. Now show me lesbians being absolute freaks. 5.5/10
There is a genuine, bold societal statement that comes out of Slaves to the Underground, and one I respect. But often, this message comes at the expense of a successful narrative. 5.1/10
As I so often say, being gay isn’t enough. Or, not for me as an audience. You gotta be gay AND interesting. And The Competitor is only the first one. 4.2/10