Tag: <span>2020s</span>

Shiva Baby is a great little comedy and incredibly self-assured for being the feature length debut of filmmaker Emma Seligman. 8/10


It’s difficult to write a lengthy review about White Lie. The film is just an interesting premise executed competently by the writer, director and actors. 8.2/10


Is Summerland a great movie? No. But it is a good movie with a budget, good cinematography and to my delighted surprise, a very happy ending. 7.8/10


I did enjoy Ammonite. But while it is a good movie, it never ends up being fully great. 67.9/10


Happiest Season is overall, a charming holiday comedy that uses familiar comedic beats to tell a queer story. 6.8/10



Bit is a great idea and in execution it’s still a pretty fun movie provided you’re not a triggered anti-SJW snowflake. 5.9/10


he Half of It won’t make my top ten list but it’s a perfectly charming teen WLW movie where nobody dies and there’s no gratuitous sex scenes. You could do a lot worse. 7.6/10


Not only did I cry at Two of Us but the stranger to my right and the stranger to my left in the theatre did as well. You probably will too. 9.4/10
