Tag: <span>2020s</span>

In a mere 80 minutes, My First Summer features good directing and some lead teenagers who actually have unique experiences and personality traits. 7.2/10


Stupid For You’s reliance on cliches makes this a love letter to the Riot Grrrl movement without any of that movement’s edge or danger. 4.2/10


Maja Ma ultimately succeeds from having a clear sense of societal as well as artistic purpose. This is a film that managed to combine the two really well. 7.3/10


This is a middling thriller with no visible ambition of being anything other than a momentary diversion soon to be forgotten by both audience and the makers of the film. 4.4/10


You Can Live Forever is a perfectly good movie. I wish it was great. But not all art is great. There’s still a solid idea and good performances here. 6.7/10


Spring is borderline remarkable simply because of how unremarkable it is. 5.1/10


The Aerialist is a weaker follow-up to the first film, The Gymnast. And I thought The Gymnast was just okay. 5.2/10


long Came Wanda is the first WLW film I’ve seen that includes the Covid-19 pandemic. And especially because this movie is very much a rom-com, I think maybe they shouldn’t have. 4.0/10


More than being an involved story, To Kill the Beast is a celebration of what can be accomplished with the moving image. It’s all vibes all the time. 6.9/10


Do Revenge is a Netflix movie. And Netflix as an entire brand proves that things can be popular without being cool. Do Revenge just isn’t cool. 5.4/10
