Tag: <span>country: UK</span>

Cracks is a good-looking take on an unoriginal premise. Whether or not this movie is for you is going to depend on how much you value visuals over script.


I really wanted to and expected to like Tell it to the Bees. However, it was neither completely enjoyable nor interesting. 5.2/10


You know what My Summer of Love was missing? What would’ve taken it from good to great? Murder. 6.2/10


The Vampire Lovers is absolutely a sleazy exploitation film. But if you look past the never ending parade of topless women, there is some really good film making and artistry to be found in it. 7.5/10


Unlike most happy WLW movies, Nina’s Heavenly Delights, did not make me feel a lingering desire for a perfect girlfriend. Instead, I finished the film mostly craving really good curry. 6.4/10


Zoe.Misplaced is the only WLW movie I can find whose English title starts with Z. Given that my expectations for this movie amounted to nothing more than it being a WLW movies whose title started with Z, Zoe.Misplaced exceeded my expectations. 5.0/10


If you’re going to watch just one WLW vampire movie, first of all, I can’t relate to you; we have nothing in common. Second of all, make that movie The Hunger. 9.1/10


There’s a great deal of things that happen in The Favourite. Some of it is queer love, some of it is politics, some of it is unknowable to me because director Yorgos Lanthimos is a weird dude. All of it is very, very good. 9.4/10


For someone just discovering the genre, Imagine Me & You is a really excellent choice for an early feature as well as one to revisit when you’re feeling down and just need something that makes you feel warm and happy. 9.4/10
