Lady in nice suits is a great initial plan for a movie. But it’s absolutely not a concept that can sustain a feature film. 5.4/10
Tag: <span>genre: drama</span>
The problem with me writing this review is the only word in my head after watching it was TENDER in all caps. 7.8/10
A Girl at My Door is one hell of an effective combination of beautiful visuals and heavy subject matter. 8.5/10
The best part of Without is that it is intriguing and engaging. The worst part is that it doesn’t really amount to anything. 5.7/10
Seventeen should be celebrated for its mixture of meticulous cinematography and messy teen emotions 6.4/10
While A Sweet Journey never quite crosses the line into being overtly queer, it approaches the line so many times from so many different angles that it’s worth a mention. 7/10
Lesbian August does not respect nor like women even a little. 2.3/10
If you’re looking for a WLW movie to build furniture to, Claire of the Moon is a great option. 6.3/10
You Will Be Mine is a major plateau of a movie. There’s little rising action, we just exist at a state of 7/10 intensity through almost all of the runtime. 5.5/10