The Feels

The Feels is a about a lesbian couple, Andi and Lu who are throwing a joint bachelorette party before their wedding. During this weekend, it comes out that Lu has never experienced an orgasm. The movie is also interspersed with confessional asides from each character discussing the first time they had an orgasm.

This movie is listed as a comedy but I don’t think that’s quite accurate. The Feels made me feel some sort of emotion more times than it makes me laugh. The scenes where characters break down or get angry are far more effective than the scenes meant to be funny.

Throughout this movie, I had a voice in the back of my head that kept suggesting this is the lesbian version of The Hangover. That’s not particularly fair though. What constantly made me think that is the presence of the character Helen. Helen is the socially awkward, slightly fat, wacky friend. Basically, she’s Zach Galifinakis from The Hangover.

God bless actress Ever Mainard, she’s clearly got some comedy chops and she really is trying to make this character work. Unfortunately, she’s annoying more often than funny. Helen is really the only character who makes this movie a comedy and I sort of think it would be better without her.

The Feels is a little uneven but I did experience feels while watching it. The acting is generally good and I liked a movie that featured such frank discussion of female pleasure. It’s mislabeled as a comedy but as a drama with some light comic relief, The Feels generally succeeds.

Overall rating: 5.8/10

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