Dyke Hard is a movie that proves you don’t need big name actors or awards nominations or a budget of more than like, $15 to make a great gay movie, all you need is passion and commitment from the cast and crew and truly staggering levels of camp.
Dyke Hard is about a lesbian rock group . They are betrayed by their lead singer who leaves them behind to start a solo career. The remaining members of the band decide to compete in the battle of the bands anyway but on their way to the event they encounter obstacles like a haunted house, a prison and a questionable grandmother. At the event itself, there are ninjas and a non-tradmarked Terminator that also stand between them, the top prize and fixing the relationship they had with their previous lead singer.
Dyke Hard has a pretty minuscule budget you can see it. What makes up for it is the passion from every person involved with the movie. There is such joy for this project and you can tell it’s exactly the movie they wanted to make. What also helps is the sense of humour about everything. The songs especially are very funny and some of the high-points in the movie. While everyone worked very hard, none of them took this movie too seriously and that’s exactly what should have gone on in a movie such as this.

Dyke Hard is also admirable for its portrayal of diverse, queer people. I think some female characters are played by men in drag though I’m not sure. There’s also characters whose gender identity is not clear to me. It doesn’t matter. Gender is not important in this movie and that’s fun to see. There’s also a variety of race and body types in regards to their main characters. Part of this probably traces back to the movie not having any budget. As such, local talent and friends make up the movie’s cast but it totally works. The best representation is often found in smaller movies such as this and we should support that.
I like Dyke Hard because it’s not a movie for straight people. I fully doubt any heterosexual person would enjoy this. It’s so unabashedly queer, steeped in queer culture and references and just full-on camp to a way that probably makes the straights feel threatened. I applaud everyone who made this movie happen. It’s funny, enjoyable and inspirational. Dyke Hard is a movie funded by kickstarter featuring homegrown talent and it’s an absolute delight to watch. The passion for the project overrides the movie’s rougher edges and the creators of the film have made, with much less budget than any other film I’ve reviewed this year, a truly enjoyable queer films.
I like Dyke Hard because it’s not a movie for straight people. I fully doubt any heterosexual person would enjoy this. It’s so unabashedly queer, steeped in queer culture and references and just full-on camp to a way that probably makes the straights feel threatened. I applaud everyone who made this movie happen. It’s funny, enjoyable and inspirational. Dyke Hard is a movie funded by kickstarter featuring homegrown talent and it’s an absolute delight to watch. The passion for the project overrides the movie’s rougher edges and the creators of the film have made, with much less budget than any other film I’ve reviewed this year, a truly enjoyable queer films.
Overall rating: 7.7/10
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