In the months that have passed between me seeing Frauensee and writing this review, the only thing that sticks in my mind about this movie is how spectacularly average it is. I have never seen a movie that’s so aggressively 5/10. It is a remarkably unremarkable film.
Frauensee is about a lesbian couple, Rosa and Kirsten. They happen upon a younger lesbian couple, Evi and Olivia who are camping along the lake where Rosa and Kirsten live and Rosa works. Subsequently, Rosa and Kirsten offer to host Evi and Olivia at their house. Evi repays this offer by constantly flirting with Rosa. Rosa, for her part, does not put a stop to this behavior and as such, the relationships between the women break down.

Nothing of any notability happens in this movie. Nothing good, nothing bad. Just nothing. I can’t even say if Frauensee is good or bad because that would suggest it was something.
If you define something being “good” as having an absence of things that are bad, then I guess this movie is good. However, the same argument could be made for this movie being bad as there was an absence of things that were good. It just lists along at a base level of competency without major failing nor major shows of creativity. It just… is.

If I had to make a decision of what side of the good/bad divide this movie fell on, it would be bad. Not only for it being not being in any way notable but because the script is a little weak. The flirtation between Evie and Rosa is frustrating to watch. They are shameless in their interactions while lacking the necessary chemistry to suggest that they literally just can’t help themselves. The only thing that keeps me from being more mad about it is that their respective partners, Kirsten and Olivia lack any sort of notable personality traits so I don’t feel strongly towards them either. I don’t feel much of anything when I watch Frauensee.
There’s a great deal of fishing in this movie so if you’re looking for representation of WLW who fish, cool. This movie is for you. For anyone else though, I can’t recommend it. You will not remember this movie. You will have any sort of strong feelings one way or another about this movie. There is no reason to waste 85 minutes of your life on something as wholly unexceptional as Frauensee.
Overall rating: 5.0/10
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German films
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