Tag: <span>2008</span>

Topless is a gentle, character-driven slice of life film. I’m pretty sure there’s not even any nudity in it. 6.4/10


There are moments of real greatness here. But the overall plot of Butch Jamie is a bit too standard. And regrettably, its budget is small enough that it does affect my enjoyment. 5.2/10



I don’t think I’ve ever seen a WLW movie that absolutely shouted its subtext at me the way Shelter Me did. 5.1/10


There’s nothing particularly wrong with Affinity it’s just that there is potential to maker a stronger, more artistic adaption. 6.7/10


Somehow, despite this words being basically antonyms, Miao Miao is a lighthearted tragedy involving a bisexual love triangle. 6.5/10


Saying that Summer Lover is like a bad soap opera would be an insult to bad soap operas. 2.6/10


Sometimes it’s nice to see a movie that just has two women meeting each other, falling in love and ending up happy. I Can’t Think Straight is one such movie. 7.1/10
