Tag: <span>spoilers</span>


Through the Glass Darkly works as a familiar yet queer take on the mystery genre complete with an absolute boatload of tragedy just for fun. 7.7/10


I really urge you to check Hannah Free out. It’s a lovely film with a lot of heart 7.2/10


There’s an honesty and realism I find in Happy End that American films with similar themes lack. 7.7/10


I don’t want to be too mean towards Maggie and Annie. This movie felt earnest in its intention to make a movie with queer representation and love. Sadly, it’s still not very good. 2.3/10



Not only did I cry at Two of Us but the stranger to my right and the stranger to my left in the theatre did as well. You probably will too. 9.4/10


Saying that Summer Lover is like a bad soap opera would be an insult to bad soap operas. 2.6/10


A Perfect Ending is a well-performed drama with enough intelligence and talent to portray topics of WLW sexuality and death without falling into one of the many pitfalls both those plots have. 7.6/10


For all the good things about What Keeps You Alive, it remains a horror/thriller movie and it is neither horrific nor thrilling. 5.4/10
