Tag: <span>country: france</span>

The Countess has a base level of competence that stops me from calling it out and out bad. However, personally, I was greatly disappointed by this film. 5.9/10



Like lots of Netflix films, To Each Her Own doesn’t seem to have grander ambitions than to waste 90 minutes of your time and have you not feel pissed off at the end of it.


Objectively, Portrait of a Lady on Fire is good. Great, even. Significantly better critics than me all agree this movie is a masterpiece and I’m not going to dispute that. 9.5/10



I absolutely think Circumstance is worth a watch but be prepared to feel hollow and hopeless after it’s over. 8.2/10


So do I let ten minutes of creepy, straight male indulgence ruin the rest of this three-hour film and all its positives? Not entirely. However, I’d feel a lot less conflicted about this undoubtedly very good film if those damn sex scenes had simply been cut down a bit. 8.6/10


The only thing that saves Therese and Isabelle from being out and out boring its persistent overlay of sleaze. 3.5/10


The Final Girl is the worst WLW movie I’ve ever seen. It’s also the worst LGBT* themed movie, the worst art film and the worst french movie I’ve seen. In short, The Final Girl is the actual worst film I have ever seen.


Objectively I shouldn’t like this movie. I hate the main character, it’s sexist and also it completely changes direction halfway through. And yet, I found Fascination to be a very enjoyable movie. There’s no accounting for taste, I guess. 5.7/10
