Tag: <span>country: south korea</span>


Fantasy of the Girls has no right to go as hard as it does. The plot is something you could find on a Nickolodeon show for pre-teens. But the handling of this plot gives the film such an air of intensity and maturity. 7.4/10



Watching this film really makes me think writer/diretor Kyu-dong Min genuinely doesn’t understand that women are people, not just sex objects. I truly hate to see it. 2.9/10


A Girl at My Door is one hell of an effective combination of beautiful visuals and heavy subject matter. 8.5/10


Memento Mori is an overall successful horror movie that makes great use of its small budget by choosing to focus on characters. 6.8/10


While the pacing gets iffy in the third act, this is a character and a story I remained invested in until the ending credits rolled. 8.1/10


Without exaggeration, The Handmaiden is the best WLW film I’ve seen and though I haven’t seen all of them (yet), I feel pretty confident saying this is one of the all-time bests of the entire genre. 9.7/10
