The Last Conception is not wholly predictable. Parts of it are pretty dang out there. So, it’s got that going for it. But it’s also a pretty uneven film. 5.5/10
Tag: <span>genre: comedy</span>
Heterosexual Jill felt a little too much like a retread of Butch Jamie. 4.8/10
The Light Touch might have the visuals of a travel commercial, but it has a script that isn’t even good enough to compare to softcore porn. 1.9/10
Director Christopher Sandler drops you into his character’s head from moment one and keeps you there the whole time. And he makes this achievement of characterization look so damn easy. 7.6/10
There’s nothing about this movie that would make me recommend it specifically over so many similar movies that are more unique in some way or other. 4.7/10
Fawzia Mirza’s The Queen of my Dreams is one of those successfully emotional movies that utilizes a very personal story to invite its audience to a different time, place and lived experience. 7.3/10
The ambition of Book of Monsters far exceeds its practical realities. This isn’t just a horror movie, but a splatter-heavy creature feature. And unfortunately, Book of Monsters is very, very cheap. 4.1/10
Sex is weird. Sexuality is perhaps weirder. The Book of Gabrielle understands and even celebrates that through its lead character’s stories and experiences. 6.6/10
I’m deeply biased against dramedies. As with so many films in this genre, I feel like trying to thread the needle of being both drama and comedy ended up with a movie neither as funny or as dramatic as it had the potential to be. 5.6/10
This is an all-around success. Nikki Si’ulepa and Rachel Aneta Wills found a way to make their personal love story universal and entertaining. 6.5/10