Tag: <span>genre: drama</span>

I cannot say the film is bad necessarily, but it’s just really something I didn’t need to see. Both because I’ve already seen other Flunk movies and because I’m not at a point yet where I want to see a romance that’s directly regarding the Covid-19 pandemic. 5.1/10


Get ready to yearn in harmony , because Farewell Song will make you do just that. 7.1/10


l just think if you’re going to make a story as melodramatic as Who Am I Now? that you need to have some specifics. It can’t just be constant scenes of women crying, declaring, “I can’t do this” and running away. 3.2/10


This is an above average small-budget indie film. It’s a way above average semi-autobiographic film. There’s a lot to celebrate here. Just ignore my overall rating. 6.0/10


Far from depicting unconditional love, Coming Home For Christmas portrays extremely conditional love and support. There’s a line in the movie about how family should be the place where you can be the truest version of yourself. But everything that happens in this movie disproves that. 2.7/10


For a movie that exceeds the two hour mark, I expected there to be more… something to West North West. 5.5/10


Light Light Light’s great creative choices elevate the film above many of the European coming-of-age films that came before. 7.9/10


Road of Bygones found a really interesting hook that makes itself stand out from other, similar indie movies. It’s such a good hook that I think the film should’ve pivoted to that being the entire premise. 5.9/10


I, The Worst of All is so subtle I’m not even sure how sapphic it is. It’s more of a feminist film about how women are capable of thought and poetry. Though the poetry in question does have some distinct undertones of sapphic yearning. 7/10


Gornick’s confidence in centralizing her experiences and thoughts is admirable. But of the three films of hers I’ve seen, Tick Tock Lullaby is the weakest. And after three movies of Gornick’s thoughts, it veers away from highlighting a marginalized voice as it becomes so specifically about Lisa Gornick as a person. 5.0/10
