Tag: <span>genre: drama</span>

utterfly is a simple, gorgeous and effective drama. It is not only a heart-wrenching depiction of what it is like to be gay in Hong Kong but has universal truths about being gay regardless of country. 8.3/10


Sonja is ultimately a competent but unremarkable coming of age film. 5.2/10


The Hours is a great and heartbreaking movie. Full of great dialogue, great performances and difficult themes, it is an emotional, sometimes heartbreaking film. 9/10


Young and Wild is not a perfect film. I certainly have mixed opinions on it. But for all its faults, one I am certain of is that this film would have been 50 times worse had it not been directed by a woman. 6.2/10


I, Olga Hepnarova is a cold, damp sock of a movie with an unknowable, unlikable protagonist. Still, as much as I can imagine how this movie could be better, I can imagine many more scenarios where it would be worse. 6.1/10


Made during the indie/Sundance film festival boom of the 1990’s, High Art is an incredibly polished, precise piece of work. 8/10


For those who haven’t seen the TV series or for those who are somehow still existing in a pre-2019 world where the TV series has yet to be released, The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister is a solid TV movie worth checking out. 7.2/10


Four Minutes is a well-crafted drama with excellent directing and good character work. Don’t go into it expecting and laughs or romance, though. 8.2/10


Reaching For the Moon is not a major failure; it’s competent and all that. But I spent the whole movie wishing it was better.


The Killing of Sister George is so good. The fact that it sometimes crosses the line into somewhat campy melodrama just makes it all the more watchable. 9.1/10
