With Liz in September I’m just trying to work out if the fact that the last 15 minutes did make me cry makes up for the fact that the first hour and 25 minutes made me feel very little. Ultimately, I don’t think that math evens out. 6.1/10
Tag: <span>genre: drama</span>
Heavenly Creatures is a very, very good movie even though it is certainly not a feel-good one. 8.8/10
The Final Girl is the worst WLW movie I’ve ever seen. It’s also the worst LGBT* themed movie, the worst art film and the worst french movie I’ve seen. In short, The Final Girl is the actual worst film I have ever seen.
Cloudburst is just delightful. It’s a sweet, funny, touching film. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll be indignant and upset about the troubles queer senior citizens can face. 9.3/10
David Lynch is definitely not human but he has certainly mastered the human art form of the film. Mulholland Dr. is must-watch for any WLW out there who use the word film instead of movie. 9.5/10
Jailbait is bad exploitation. It’s just not fun to watch. It’s not sexy or fun or creative. It’s just dirty in all the wrong ways. 2.6/10
I’m really struggling to determine whether or not I like this film or would recommend it. Because The Children’s Hour is in many ways objectively good but also deeply homophobic, sexist and made me sad.
Blue Gate Crossing is one of few movies that emphasizes friendship over romantic relationships. But even if there were more, Blue Gate Crossing would still be exceptional for its charm, relatable protagonist and strong performances. 7.8/10
I was under the impression Jack and Diane was a movie with WLW and werewolves. It is not. I am not even sure what it is other than not good. 3.8/10