The Corruption remains a beautiful looking movie, but one with an identity crisis about whether it’s erotica or more serious art. 5.5/10
Tag: <span>language: italian</span>
I can’t believe I’m saying this about a film that had a human sacrifice that descended into funky naked dancing, but Caribbean Papaya is pretty boring. 3.4/10
The Freudian focus of The Escape is the rotten centre of a stylish and intriguing vintage WLW film. 5.2/10
Me, Myself and Her is one of the most conflict-light WLW movies I’ve ever seen. It bored me. 5.2/10
The Sisters really surprised me. I went in expecting bottom of the barrel sleaze when the movie is actually a fairly competent melodrama. 6.9/10
Salamander is the earliest WLW film to feature an interracial relationship. That alone makes noteworthy. But beyond being noteworthy, is Salamander any good? Absolutely not. 2.4/10
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a WLW movie that absolutely shouted its subtext at me the way Shelter Me did. 5.1/10
Love is not Perfect has little going for it. It’s forgettable, boring and not even that queer. 4/10
If you want to see a movie that depicts how bad it could be for queer people and women, watch this one. If you’re sick and tired of seeing queer women abused and not get a happy ending, maybe don’t watch Purple Sea. 6.5/10