Strange Frame: Love and Sax occupies a wholly unique space in the WLW film pantheon. The film has big ideas and a lot of creativity. Where it falters is its execution. 5.7/10
Tag: <span>mixed review</span>
Given everything I knew about Sinner: The Secret Diary of a Nymphomaniac (basically, its title and director), I expected it to be a lot worse. 5.0/10
Comedies like Girl Gets Girl are the exactly reason why the word “zany” was invented. 5.0/10
Freeway 2 will not be to everyone’s taste but for all its flaws, I had a great time watching its gritty insanity. 6.2/10
If you’re gonna make a movie with poly themes, do me a favour and don’t have it end with a return to a two person heterosexual relationship. Like, what’s even the point? 5.8/10
The Journey is a passionate, personal film that lacks a level of refinement.
I have incredible respect for Fish and Elephant. It is a true a trailblazer of cinematic depictions of queer women in mainland China. 5.6/10
I can only review from my point of view and from that point of view, Ghosts was only okay. 5.8/10
Signature Move had the potential to be really funny. However, the bizarre choice to direct the film in a style more suited to drama really stopped the script from reaching its full potential. 5.9/10