Tag: <span>positive review</span>

Get ready to yearn in harmony , because Farewell Song will make you do just that. 7.1/10


Light Light Light’s great creative choices elevate the film above many of the European coming-of-age films that came before. 7.9/10


I, The Worst of All is so subtle I’m not even sure how sapphic it is. It’s more of a feminist film about how women are capable of thought and poetry. Though the poetry in question does have some distinct undertones of sapphic yearning. 7/10


Blue finds itself in the quiet moments, and is happy to linger there and construct this gentle romance and the tragedy that comes with it. 6.9/10


My Old Ass is a charming, funny and moving film from a bisexual director. It clearly seems to play on the director’s personal experiences and does so with a lot of heart. 8.1/10


Daughters of Fire is not a series of scary images that is hollow at its centre. This is a movie loaded with meaning, intent and things to say both with its scares as well as in addition to these scares. 7/10


While Cuckoo is an imperfect movie, I respect it for taking risks, having original ideas and getting a few good, scary moments. 7/10


Chuck Chuck Baby was an unusual delight of a movie. A queer musical set in a chicken factory. The final product is so assured, so well-done and so delightful. 7.2/10


The brief period of time where at least in fiction, you could hide away from the troubles of the world in the arms of a pretty girl might be coming to an end. In its place is Foreign Language, where even in the arms of a pretty girl, the rise of far-right extremism and environmental collapse loom ever-present. 7.7/10


Summer is a competent film in a pretty overcrowded subgenre of other competent films. Summer is a pretty middling entry over all; not one of the all time greats, but still a good movie on its own. 6.4/10
