If you like the web-series, you will like The Carmilla Movie. However, I am not sure if jumping right into the movie would be enjoyable. While The Carmilla Movie works as an epilogue to the larger series, I do not know how strongly it stands on its own. 6.4/10
Category: <span>Reviews</span>
Four Minutes is a well-crafted drama with excellent directing and good character work. Don’t go into it expecting and laughs or romance, though. 8.2/10
The Killing of Sister George is so good. The fact that it sometimes crosses the line into somewhat campy melodrama just makes it all the more watchable. 9.1/10
At no point did Round Trip take these ordinary characters and turn them or the movie they inhabit into something extraordinary.
I am so, so thankful a lesbian directed Professor Marston and the Wonder Women. I think it would have been a different, worse movie had it not been. 8.5/10
Women Who Kill is a dark romantic comedy. That’s a lot of genres to try and juggle. The movie does so with moderate success. 5.8/10
With its languid pace and voice over narration about the nature of grief and whatnot, So Hard to Forget is a very film festival type of film. 6.6/10
Despite a good performance from Dylan Gelula, Kerem Sanga’s First Girl I Loved lets itself down by delving into topics too heavy for the movie to deal with. 5.4/10