WLW Film Reviews Posts

There’s an old adage to write high and edit sober. Liquid Sky shows that such advice should be extended to acting and directing sober as well. 6.2/10


I’m qualified to review lesbian content but the lesbian characters, like every other character in this film function as a metaphor for something which I lack full understanding of. 7.2/10


If you want to see lesbian sex scenes directed by an actual lesbian then this movie exists. However, Inescapable has no merit as a movie on any other front. 4.6/10


Without exaggeration, The Handmaiden is the best WLW film I’ve seen and though I haven’t seen all of them (yet), I feel pretty confident saying this is one of the all-time bests of the entire genre. 9.7/10



I’m not sure who it was who saw a photo of Aileen Wuornos and thought the inhumanly beautiful Charlize Theron would be the best choice to play her but that decision ended up working really well. 8.9/10


The Guest House is another jewel in the crown of shitty lesbian movies made by male filmmakers. 3/10


Dyke Hard is a movie that proves you don’t need big name actors or awards nominations or a budget of more than like, $15 to make a great gay movie, all you need is passion and commitment from the cast and crew and truly staggering levels of camp. 7.7/10
