Tag: <span>Cathy DeBuono</span>

long Came Wanda is the first WLW film I’ve seen that includes the Covid-19 pandemic. And especially because this movie is very much a rom-com, I think maybe they shouldn’t have. 4.0/10


If you like wacky misunderstand romantic comedies, you will like this movie just fine. As for me, I found it too hard to find humour in the events depicted in Out at the Wedding as they became increasingly elaborate and ridiculous. 3.6/10


On its own, And Then Came Lola is poor. Having seen the film it’s based on, it becomes infuriating. Any film that bases itself so heavily on an existent film is risky because it welcomes comparisons to the original. In this case, And Then Came Lola came up short time after time. 2.8/10
