Tag: <span>2020s</span>

Backspot has a lot of strengths. Primarily, the rendering of its main character and the incredible performance from Jacobs. But the film is a touch uneven and unfocused. 5.8/10


This movie is so bad that it made me respect cinema as a genre more, with the notable exception of The White Book which reconstructed my conceptualization of what a truly terrible film looks like. 1.4/10


As a film about a queer family of choice, it’s more complex than many of the ones I watch. But I supposed I just wished all these queer misfits liked each other a little more. 6.1/10


I applaud The Exchange for all that it is, but I can’t honestly write that the movie was amazing or particularly innovative. It’s just a high school romance. 5.6/10


This feels like a muddled artistic vision that culminates in something that’s mostly dull and occasionally inexcusably offensive. 4.6/10


Love Lies Bleeding is an engaging, nasty and occasionally muddled crime picture. It’s a great addition to WLW movie canon because of how much it does that’s unique. 7.5/10


While Days of Happiness is not a bad film by any means, the Tár comparisons definitely hurt it as Tár is basically a masterpiece and Days of Happiness just isn’t on the same level. 6.0/10


Compared to the other works of one or more Coen brother, this film would rank near the bottom. Luckily, a lesser Coen film is still a decent time. 6.2/10


Most Netflix movies are a frequently bland product devoid of risk. And that’s Happy Ending’s depiction of queerness.


I’m glad that this film exists and that it was so successful depicting queer youth in such a harmless way. It’s hard to say I fully enjoyed it, though. As an adult, I am simply not the audience. 5.8/10
