Given everything I knew about Sinner: The Secret Diary of a Nymphomaniac (basically, its title and director), I expected it to be a lot worse. 5.0/10
Tag: <span>country: france</span>
If you’re gonna make a movie with poly themes, do me a favour and don’t have it end with a return to a two person heterosexual relationship. Like, what’s even the point? 5.8/10
Watching How To Seduce a Virgin or really, any of Jess Franco’s movies makes me remember that I only like his output hypothetically and rarely in actual practice.
Summertime is a beautiful, romantic film. The main romance is a treat to watch and the rest of the film’s themes and plots are well-executed. 8.3/10
I loved Knife + Heart. The film is a queer update of a genre I already loved. It’s kept all the staples of that genre while managing to make a film that’s gay-friendly instead of homophobic. 8.7/10
Olivia is one of the oldest WLW films I know of and was directed by a woman. As such, the film has great female characters and understanding of women and girls. It also had a surprisingly good grasp of psychology. 8/10
While I commend the film for its sex positivity, not all of French Twist’s humour and general attitude works 25 years after its release. 5.4/10
Despite its run time being in the 90 minute range, the film felt slow and far too long. It’s frustrating because I think Replay could be an interesting movie if it just did more. But it didn’t. 4.9/10
While The Dancer looks very nice, the writing lets the movie down. This is such a bland and by-the-numbers biopic. 5.6/10