I have issues with attention span and The Objects of Love challenged that. 5.2/10
Tag: <span>country: spain</span>
he Coming of Sin has some of the worst sexual politics I’ve seen in a movie. It doesn’t like women but also isn’t even competent enough to explain why it doesn’t like women. 1.7/10
Comedies like Girl Gets Girl are the exactly reason why the word “zany” was invented. 5.0/10
Say what you want about Holy Camp!, but it ain’t boring. 6.4/10
There’s also a lot of things about Elisa and Marcela I didn’t like. But I’m going to boil down all those things and the film’s very existence to two words. Squid tits. 4.4/10
f you just need a movie to kill 90 minutes, Eloise is a good option. There’s nothing particularly original about the film but there’s nothing terrible here either. 5.5/10
My favourite sub-sub-genre of lesbian film is 70’s lesbian vampire films. Vampyres is a 70’s lesbian vampire film and it sucks! I’m so upset. 4.2/10
Even by decades-old exploitation film standards, The Blood Spattered Bride is pretty overt in its fear of feminism and lesbianism. However, that fear is so prominent that I think it loops back around into being borderline complimentary. 6.9/10
It has little valid artistic merit, but if you want to see two beautiful women engaging in a bunch of well-shot sex scenes, Room in Rome exists.
Trippy, sexy and bloody, Vampyros Lesbos is a good example of the kind of exploitation film I like. 6.4/10