while in the grand scheme of all movies, maybe S&M Sally isn’t an all-time great, it’s still a pretty solid feature that is funny, knowledgeable about BDSM and shows continued growth from creator, Michelle Ehlen. 5.8/10
Tag: <span>genre: comedy</span>
Maybe this was a genuinely groundbreaking film back in 2013. But in 2024? It just feels dated, self-involved and most damning of all, not funny. 3/10
Compared to the other works of one or more Coen brother, this film would rank near the bottom. Luckily, a lesser Coen film is still a decent time. 6.2/10
I’m glad that this film exists and that it was so successful depicting queer youth in such a harmless way. It’s hard to say I fully enjoyed it, though. As an adult, I am simply not the audience. 5.8/10
Not once did I even smile watching Idle Thoughts. It was irritating more than anything. I can’t call this a successful project in any way. 3.1/10
perhaps because I’m already a fan of her output, We Are Gamily fell short of my high expectations for a Zero Chou film. 4.7/10
The Last Conception is not wholly predictable. Parts of it are pretty dang out there. So, it’s got that going for it. But it’s also a pretty uneven film. 5.5/10
Heterosexual Jill felt a little too much like a retread of Butch Jamie. 4.8/10
The Light Touch might have the visuals of a travel commercial, but it has a script that isn’t even good enough to compare to softcore porn. 1.9/10