Tag: <span>genre: crime</span>

Can You Ever Forgive Me? is a small, personal movie. It is not about someone changing the world or experiencing some major historical event. It’s just a small scale, very human tragedy. It remains gripping due to its excellent writing directing and superb performances. 8.8/10


Sure, Breaking the Girls has more lady kissing in it than most but overall, it’s like the literally bazillion other mediocre thrillers that make the same mistake of thinking more misdirects equals a better movie. 4.6/10


Even in its somewhat unfocused, weirdly stylized state, Bound has more charm and entertainment value than most queer films I’ve watched. 8.4/10


It made me a little sad to watch this movie because I really wanted to like this movie and it was trying its hardest. Sadly, for as hard as Joe + Belle tried, it didn’t succeed on any level. 3.4/10
