Tag: <span>genre: drama</span>

f you just need a movie to kill 90 minutes, Eloise is a good option. There’s nothing particularly original about the film but there’s nothing terrible here either. 5.5/10


AWOL has an unsatisfactory ending to an average story. At no point did the film rise about being exceedingly average.


Zero Chou’s Spider Lilies is a film that is absolutely greater than the sum of its parts. 7.6/10


Despite its run time being in the 90 minute range, the film felt slow and far too long. It’s frustrating because I think Replay could be an interesting movie if it just did more. But it didn’t. 4.9/10


While the pacing gets iffy in the third act, this is a character and a story I remained invested in until the ending credits rolled. 8.1/10


Compulsion has nothing going for it. The focus of this movie is being sexy so character work and story are almost non-existent. But it’s also not even that sexy or extreme. 3.9/10


If you want a WLW movie that makes you feel disturbed and sad, Sister My Sister is a pretty safe bet. 7.3/10


While The Dancer looks very nice, the writing lets the movie down. This is such a bland and by-the-numbers biopic. 5.6/10


Overall, Lovesong is a really solid little movie. I can’t imagine it will be anyone’s favourite WLW film but it’s also fairly free of overt flaws. 6.6/10

