Tag: <span>mixed review</span>

Compared to the other works of one or more Coen brother, this film would rank near the bottom. Luckily, a lesser Coen film is still a decent time. 6.2/10


I’m glad that this film exists and that it was so successful depicting queer youth in such a harmless way. It’s hard to say I fully enjoyed it, though. As an adult, I am simply not the audience. 5.8/10


I’m very much not the audience for Afternoon Breezes. It’s slow and subtle yet also deals with a problematic lesbian stereotype. 5.4/10


Two Mothers is probably the most standard lesbian pregnancy drama film I’ve seen. And I’ve seen most of them. 5.5/10


This is an overall middling movie. It’s competent, polished and had enough budget to tell its story. But the story it tells isn’t anything remotely new. 5.7/10



watched this film with an open mind and heart. At no point did I think yeah, a musical is an appropriate medium for this story. 5.9/10


Thick is not a perfect movie. But there’s a lot to celebrate about this low budget crime drama. Namely, the fact that it’s 71 minutes long. 5.7/10


The Last Conception is not wholly predictable. Parts of it are pretty dang out there. So, it’s got that going for it. But it’s also a pretty uneven film. 5.5/10


Axolotl Overkill is a stylized and challenging film with great cinematography. It’s a deeply impressive debut from Helene Hegemann. 5.6/10
