There is a genuine, bold societal statement that comes out of Slaves to the Underground, and one I respect. But often, this message comes at the expense of a successful narrative. 5.1/10
Tag: <span>mixed review</span>
It’s obvious Ulrike Ottinger is intelligent and wants her art to say things. She also wants to experiment. But the thing about experiments is that they don’t always work. While Madame X’s feminist statement came through, some specifics were probably lost on me. 5.6/10
I can certainly see how this trendy, romantic story might appeal to people. But in this case, I guess I’m not people, because I personally didn’t enjoy what The Venus Effect presented me. 5.2/10
This is a Lifetime TV movie. And the wish fulfillment aspect is uneven. Trying to fit cathartic, queer wish fulfillment into a Lifetime TV movie-shaped box further exacerbates some of the issues with both aspects. 5.5/10
This is a low budget film but it’s really high on creativity, realism and focused commentary. Very few films with such limited means achieve those three things. 5.6/10
I applaud Big Dreams in Little Hope. With the budget and technology available to them, they still turned out a pretty solid comedy. 5.6/10
There are moments of real greatness here. But the overall plot of Butch Jamie is a bit too standard. And regrettably, its budget is small enough that it does affect my enjoyment. 5.2/10
If you need something cute to spend less than 50% of your brain power on, Touch might be the movie for you. 5.6/10
Sister Sister is very high on entertainment value. But don’t expect much intelligence nor focus on lesbianism. This movie understands thriller beats better than most. But its execution of those beats is uneven at best. 5.6/10
This was a film made from within a community. There’s an expectation that the audience also comes from within that community. But the community this film is made for sort of doesn’t exist anymore. So then you’re just left with the question of politics aside, do you want to spend time with these six fictional women? 5.8/10