Tag: <span>positive review</span>

This a quiet, tragic portrait of personal grief. But also a story that is incontrovertibly tied into issues of rights and equality for same-sex couples. 7.3/10


Because of the quality of the script, Julie Johnson transcends the mundane into being a really beautiful, moving piece of art. 7.8/10


Violette is a well put together biopic about a more than worthy subject. It is not exactly the most groundbreaking biopic by any measure and I still think it runs a touch long. But this is ultimately, a solid film. 6.8/10


As much as I spent part of the film imagining a better version, I’m also still pretty happy with the one we got. This is a funny, heartfelt film about friendship and the process of coming out a little later than most people. 6.9/10


I think I had a better time with Christabel because of my own ignorance. That final 10 minutes went hard as hell and heavily impacted how I ultimately viewed the movie (positively). 6.5/10


Beyond being talented and focused on sapphic stories, Lee’s consistency as a creator is something incredibly commendable. Please put her on your radar. Nobody out there is doing it like Samantha Lee. 7.1/10


The relationship between the two leads covers a lot of ground, much of it toxic and not necessarily related to sexuality. But it’s the very complexity of this relationship that makes Beanpole such an excellent film. 8.8/10



Love Lies Bleeding is an engaging, nasty and occasionally muddled crime picture. It’s a great addition to WLW movie canon because of how much it does that’s unique. 7.5/10


This isn’t just fluff of no nutritional value. There’s depth and drama to this teen romance too. 7.3/10
