Tag: <span>genre: action</span>

Loss Prevention got a few laughs out of me and put me in a good mood. I enjoyed seeing a professional wrestler depict one of the best fathers in lesbian cinema. But ultimately, I don’t think this is quite good enough to get the passing grade. 4.9/10


Whatever edge Concrete Blondes has to it is completely absent in the jokes. And that’s why the film doesn’t work. This is a comedy full of punchlines far too safe and far too predictable. 4.7/10


Girl’s Blood is a movie that really enjoys looking at women. But it has very little understanding of the fact that women are complex people. Plus, the fight scenes aren’t even that good. 3.1/10


I love a slow-burn horror movie. Dead Earth is slow, but there’s no burn. 2.5/10


Despite some very dated attitudes towards gender and sexuality, I’m happy to welcome Invincible Asia to the canon of queer cinematic badasses. I love queer villains and I love powerful queer characters. Asia is both. 6.7/10




I love the concept of Riot Girls. A post-apocalypse with queer protagonists where apparently everyone deals with the apocalypse by getting really into punk? Hell yeah! 6.4/10


Bitch Slap is made for an audience of young, stupid, straight men. If you aren’t this audience, the film will do everything in its power to let you know you aren’t welcome. 3.1/10


I’m reminded of that quote, “never half-ass two things, full-ass one thing.” Most genre-blending movies, including today’s movie, So Close, fall into the first category of half-assing two things. 4.9/10
