Maja Ma ultimately succeeds from having a clear sense of societal as well as artistic purpose. This is a film that managed to combine the two really well. 7.3/10
Tag: <span>genre: comedy</span>
This was a film made from within a community. There’s an expectation that the audience also comes from within that community. But the community this film is made for sort of doesn’t exist anymore. So then you’re just left with the question of politics aside, do you want to spend time with these six fictional women? 5.8/10
Everything Will Be Fine feels like the future. This film is youthful, modern and effortlessly progressive. 6.5/10
Sword of Trust really works because of how well everyone understands the universe and the movie that they’re in. This feels like more of a collaboration between filmmaker and actors than most scripted films. 6.8/10
long Came Wanda is the first WLW film I’ve seen that includes the Covid-19 pandemic. And especially because this movie is very much a rom-com, I think maybe they shouldn’t have. 4.0/10
Writing this review in 2023 means I’ve not only seen lots of films like this but that the real-life attitude towards same-sex parenting has evolved much past what By Design portrays. 5.7/10
Whatever edge Concrete Blondes has to it is completely absent in the jokes. And that’s why the film doesn’t work. This is a comedy full of punchlines far too safe and far too predictable. 4.7/10
Do Revenge is a Netflix movie. And Netflix as an entire brand proves that things can be popular without being cool. Do Revenge just isn’t cool. 5.4/10
I didn’t hate spending 86 minutes in this story. But there’s simply more negatives to the film that I can pinpoint than positives. I like Love Island’s energy. But really, that’s about it. 4.5/10
Fishnet is a pretty painful one to sit through. It’s cheap, cliche, unkind and lacks any clear audience. 2.0/10