Tag: <span>genre: drama</span>

Virgin Machine is a fascinating artistic snapshot of feminist and filmmaking in West Germany; a country that would cease to exist less than two years after Virgin Machine’s release. 6.4/10


BBC TV movies are of a solid, uniform quality. Daphne is no exception. This is a good movie. But that’s as far as I’m willing to go. 6.4/10


In a mere 80 minutes, My First Summer features good directing and some lead teenagers who actually have unique experiences and personality traits. 7.2/10


Maja Ma ultimately succeeds from having a clear sense of societal as well as artistic purpose. This is a film that managed to combine the two really well. 7.3/10


This was a film made from within a community. There’s an expectation that the audience also comes from within that community. But the community this film is made for sort of doesn’t exist anymore. So then you’re just left with the question of politics aside, do you want to spend time with these six fictional women? 5.8/10


Love’s Lone Flower is a beautiful tragedy. There’s a sad poetry to the story. But more so, this is a beautiful film to look at. 6.7/10


As some sort of standalone TV episode, this could’ve worked. But weak as The Girl’s story is, even the cool and sexy vibes can’t sustain it for a full movie runtime. 4.6/10


Films piss me off when they’re offensive or feel like they’re not trying. Intentions isn’t offensive and I think everyone was trying their hardest. Tragically, all this trying just didn’t lead to any success. 2.5/10


You Can Live Forever is a perfectly good movie. I wish it was great. But not all art is great. There’s still a solid idea and good performances here. 6.7/10


The never ending presence of the male gaze really tanks this movie. There’s some deep and major family drama in the film. But it constantly comes second to depicting women as sexy. 3.7/10
