At no point did Round Trip take these ordinary characters and turn them or the movie they inhabit into something extraordinary.
Tag: <span>genre: drama</span>
I am so, so thankful a lesbian directed Professor Marston and the Wonder Women. I think it would have been a different, worse movie had it not been. 8.5/10
With its languid pace and voice over narration about the nature of grief and whatnot, So Hard to Forget is a very film festival type of film. 6.6/10
Despite a good performance from Dylan Gelula, Kerem Sanga’s First Girl I Loved lets itself down by delving into topics too heavy for the movie to deal with. 5.4/10
My main problem with the admittedly competent film is that it failed to grab and hold my entire attention.
Not only does Running on Empty Dreams lack any joy (which at least is intentional) but it’s executed so poorly as to be a borderline painful experience to sit through. 2.1/10
Margarita with a Straw is a great movie with a completely unique protagonist. I hope that this movie sparks more films about characters who exist on the intersection between queerness and disability. 8.7/10
Laurence Anyways is a beautifully shot portrait of a trans woman and her female lover. 7.9/10
Even grading on the curve of TV movies, An Unexpected Love feels extremely predictable and has little new to offer. 5.0/10
Princess Cyd’s unusual style and sheer talent from all aspects of filmmaking makes this a very unique and special film. I really enjoyed spending 96 minutes with these increasingly realized characters. 8.8/10